Sunday, August 3, 2014

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Child Medical Record Organizer

By: madhusudan_ On: 1:11 AM
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  • Covered with a picture of my favorite Teddy Bears, under the frame inscription name, surname, date of birth - anything. You can keep the docs inside the file as evidence. Beautiful Child medical record organizer. Folder for evidence and cover for a child's medical record. This handmade and portable notebook type of box can used to store information about your kid's health. It is really beautiful and you can further decorate it with images of your baby in it. This is an idea only you can create your own organizer by watching this. Put more sections for doctors,medications, medical history, dental, eye and ear records.


    Dimensions 26.6 * 20cm

    child medical record organizer

    Комплект " Папка для свидетельства и обложка для мед.карты" для малышк на Ярмарке Мастеров


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